Friday, January 29, 2010

first time. . . was it good for you too ?

haha, first post! alright, straight to the point.


a lot of things make me angry, one example is immortality, or rather, the idolization of the ideal.
y'see, immortality's not really all that cracked up in my opinion. sure, you get to live real long and get to look like a shar pei, but is it really all that great?
let's say thanks to some "miracle drug" your body doesn't deteriorate,
it stays perfectly the same as when you were say, in your 20's.
you could go out and do anything, learn anything, be whoever you wanted to be.
but for how long would that entertain you?

say you find a pretty girl/boy/transsexual and the two of you are in love. the two of you
manage to not hate each other too terribly and get married, you get your freak on and have some babies. great! congrats, really. but what now? you don't age at all, you look exactly as you did on your wedding day while your wife/husband steadily deteriorates. their bones, their memories, everything is gone while you? you're just the same. you're stuck forever. your wife dies, your children die, their children die and you're just the same. sure, you can make new friends but nothing will ever be the same. is living forever really all that great if you have to sacrifice a lifetime of happiness with the ones you love most?

i want to live for a while. i want to see my children become successful, strong individuals, get married, have kids, the whole spiel. but i guess the biggest thing for me is i don't want to feel that "helpless little old woman" feeling. i'm independent, i don't like having to lean on others for anything. that's it. maybe if the miracle drug that proved immortality were created, i might not have to deteriorate or be helpless, but y'know, i wouldn't take it. i'm here for a purpose, i'll fulfill it and leave when it's my time. a bit old fashioned maybe, but hey, what's wrong with that?

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